Before the game get with your team and assign a "hit list." Decide the top players on your opponent’s team. Assign each person a number. When your team has two or more balls, call out the number for synchronized targets
Warm-up and practice throwing before the game. It shows that you practice
and thereby encourage team spirit.
Aim for the best throwers first. You want to get them out, so they don't
eliminate any of your players.
Point at a certain player “casually” and then throw at a different one. (the
pointing can't be too obvious)
Here's a neat play called the KL Tower. Hold the ball behind your back, and
then have one of your teammates run behind you, grab the ball, and then
immediately throw for a shocker.
Running where you and a teammate run in a diagonal and cross paths, then
As soon as one of your opponents is hit, aim for another one. There's that
brief moment of time where people are stunned when one of their
teammates get hit. It's a great one-two punch.
The look-away: Don't look at the person you are throwing at. Look at
another player while throwing. Looking off court, might not be a good idea
(you might get blasted), so it would probably be good to look at an opponent
that has a ball, and throw at a different person.
The shin-splinter: Aim at the shins. Aiming at the shoes tends to make the
ball bounce on the ground before it strikes the opponent. Aiming for the
knees tends to make the ball go a little too, where your opponent can easily
catch it.
The wrap-around curveball: Players grip the ball by wrapping their hand and
wrist around the ball, and then throwing it for a curve. It can be tricky to
The slight curve-ball: Grip the ball a bit on the side to give a slight curve.
It's just enough to be deceptive. Although, the wraparound curve does give
a much nastier curve that is harder to catch.
The Favor Returner: Throw at a person who has just thrown the ball.
You have to be careful not to give all your balls away to the other team. The
beginning of the game can be very difficult to dodge balls, because you have
a crowded six people on the court. Giving the opponent all the balls when it's
hard to dodge them is not a great idea.
Whenever possible, hide your ball behind your back. Even if you don't have a
ball, put your hands behind your back to psych out your opponents.
If they allow you to run off the court to retrieve balls, always recharge with a
new ball off the court. Having one of your eliminated teammates hand you a
ball while you are on the court can be a distraction for yourself.
Catch balls that are thrown right at my chest and then I cradle it against my
body, so not to drop it.
Only catch the ball if you are really sure you can catch it. Way too many
people try to catch the ball only to drop it (thereby being eliminated).
If you think you’re throwing skills is bad, perhaps you should practice your
catching. Stay low to the ground and grab those balls up.
Last but nor least .. keep smilling and play with full of sportsmanship ..
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